The 2024 Lipa City Division School’s Press Conference (DSPC) opening program held at Senator Claro M. Recto Memorial Elementary School yesterday, February 7, inspired Lipeno campus journalists to cross their linguistic swords with their adversaries in both the public and private schools in the city.
Around 1,000 student scribes competed in the much awaited press conference which shall also determine SDO Lipa’s delegates to the Regional Schools Press Conference to be held in Cabuyao later in February.

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Ronaldo V. Ramilo, in his opening speech, stated that student journalists are special kind saying that for student journalists to stand out, they must “write from the heart. Ramilo, being a former school paper adviser (SPA) himself also applauded SPAs for their effort in furthering the skills of their writers, visual artists, and broadcasters.
SDO Lipa Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Felizardo O. Bolanos stressed that the young campus journalists are already contributing positively to the society when they apply justness and impartiality to their crafts.
The 2024 Lipa City DSPC is a three-day event that hosted competitions for editorial writing, column writing, feature writing, sports writing, science and technology writing, news writing, desktop publishing, copyreading and headline writing, editorial cartooning, radio broadcasting, and photojournalism.
The awarding ceremonies is slated on February 9, the top 7 performers in each category will be recognized, the top three therein will advance to the RSPC and further on, to the NSPC.