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Fiesta World Mall Holds 1st Ateneo Leadership Symposium

Take charge of our lives and become leaders on our own fields…Let us all make this country our business” said Ms. Gwendolyn Ku Wong, President of LK Global University as she welcomed the participants in the 1st Ateneo Leaders’ Symposium held at Fiesta World Mall Amphi Theater, March 6.

The program had for its first part, the renown strategic management consultant, Dean Alberto L. Buenviaje of Ateneo Graduate School of Business who shared his expertise on management, entrepreneurship and leadership. He stressed on the importance of having entrepreneurial mind for managers who are also playing the roles of leaders in businesses.

“Management is concerned with getting up a ladder in the most effective and most efficient manner. Leadership is making certain the ladder is on the right wall,” Dean Buenviaje emphasized.

The afternoon session on the other hand, focused on the role of government leaders in achieving development or in shaping possibilities for the Philippines. Atty. Florencio de Loyola, 2nd District Board Member, shared his knowledge on the said topic before the roughly 500 attendees.

In the end he said that after all, everything will boil down to this particular bible verse: “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” (Matt. 6:28-29)

What he was trying to say was that human anxiety and concern about physical and material needs, though understandable, are not the key to the true understanding of existence. Moreover, greed and selfishness, which are the cause of most wars and human conflicts, are rooted in an underlying anxiety about material goods.

[tags]Fiesta World Mall, Ateneo Business School Lipa, Management, Entrepreneurship, Values, Lipa, Batangas, Ateneo[/tags]

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