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The First Batangas StrEAT Fair

Living up to its name, The Outlets Lipa gathered local artists, musicians, and food producers in a call to provide and introduce an outlet for Batangueño talents in the 1st Batangas StrEAT Fair, opened at The Outlets Lipa, Lima Technology Center, Special Economic Zone, Lipa City, Batangas, August 30.

Commercial Marketing Officer Maricar Mogol of The Outlets Lipa shared in an interview that the expo is to purposefully showcase the art, music and food culture of Batangueños.

“We want to celebrate homegrown Batangueño artists and also for the people to get to know The Outlets Lipa as an ideal venue for these talents,” Mogol said. 

Batangas Streat Fair was inspired by the homegrown business tenants of The Outlets Lipa.

Other than the fair participants, The Outlets Lipa partnered with Hello Lipa, a local online lifestyle magazine, who invited Batangueño bloggers and social media influencers to promote the event and its exhibitors. 

Batangas Streat Fair will be showcased to the public until September 1 and will highlight events like calligraphy workshops, music events, and a cooking competition.

Photos by Edison Manalo and Ryan Tibayan

About Associate Editor

Edge An is the Associate Editor of If you have any concerns, reach him through his email

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