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Food and Dining

On Something Healthy

Last year, I remember giving a friend with this seemingly odd fruit they call dragon fruit (pitaya). My friend happened to be a fuschia pink enthusiast and so I didn’t think twice about giving her this pink fruit despite its “scale-y and fire-y” skin. I thought she would surely appreciate …

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Makro Holds Cooking Contest

Makro Batangas City recently held a cooking contest dubbed as Lutong Makro. Representatives from different hotels, restaurants, and catering services in the city participated in the said cooking contest. Chefs Aries and Allen of Che and Dex catering services were adjudged as the grand champions. They prepared a pan grilled …

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The Amazing Cookie Diet

In this fast paced world, we can’t help but become victims of obesity which can be blame on the mushrooming of fast food chains and instant everything that they offer. We say Oh my Gulay! with the veggies and fruits which seldom land on our tables. And take our supposedly …

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Batangas Lomi’s Secret Ingredient

Your Batangas food trip will not be complete without our very own Batangas lomi. Since the 80’s, lomi houses mushroomed along  the roads and towns of the province. If I am not mistaken, all the towns and cities of Batangas have numbers of lomi houses where local folks seemed so into. In Lipa City, we …

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