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What Will You Do If You Were the Grand Lotto Winner of P178.8M?

And the luckiest person last night just won the whopping Philippine Grand Lotto 6/55 jackpot prize of Php 178,849,233.20!

09-21-43-35-54-12 are the numbers that made the ONLY ONE bettor P178.8 million richer. Napakaswerte talaga! I wonder who that is and where he/she is from? July 1 has been the happiest/luckiest/richest day for that bettor.

For the weeks that led the jackpot to reach that skyrocket high, I wasn’t able to bet even once. So hoping I would get as lucky as that bettor would be too impossible, if betting on lotto is concerned. Ugh, whoever that bettor is, that jackpot made him/her richer than most of our senators now. Haha.

Now that it has been won, say goodbye to that P178.8M jackpot and say hello to some dreamy thoughts.

July 1 Grand Lotto Winner - 178.8 million jackpotIF you were the lone winner of that Php 178,849,233.20, how will you spend the money? Will you divide it into sections? What will be the first thing that you would do IF you have won that Grand Lotto jackpot last night?

IF I had won that P178.8M, I won’t be sharing every detail on how I would spend the money. Haha. Akin na lang yun. But the first thing I would probably do once makuha ko na yung amount? I will process all the travel documents needed to go to Paris and book the nicest hotel there! Yes, that’s one big dream destination.

How about you? Share with us your thoughts. Libre lang naman ang mangarap. Wala nang ticket na dapat bilhin. 😉

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JR Cantos is the Publisher of Some of the articles here on the website have been contributed over the years, so please just email us at help (at) if you have any concerns. Salamat!

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